Bonnie Tharp Books
Buzz is the sound of lots of people talking, sharing ideas, telling stories, laughing, crying and just plain communicating. In the advertising/marketing/promotional realm the buzz is the ultimate result (hopefully, if everything is done correctly). So, how do writer’s create buzz about their novels, poetry, plays, short stories, etc.? By talking about it.
We have to forget what our parents said about “not tooting our own horn” and blow that bugle loudly. Tell everyone about our writing. Share our enthusiasm for what we do. Nothing is more appealing than a person who is excited about something they’ve done or seen or read. Share it!
My favorite instructors in college were the ones that were passionate about the class subject. Most people enjoy learning when the person sharing is having a good time presenting it. When I read a new book that I like, I tell my friends, my mom and put a review on GoodReads and/or Amazon. I read so much that it’s hard to keep up, but I definitely rate them, so folks know if I really liked the novel or it didn’t resonate with me.
Don’t you just love learning about: A great shoe sale? A plant that is easy to grow? A cool new musician? A yummy new recipe that’s easy to make? An awesome place to go to eat? A movie that is really funny or romantic or filled with adventure? A GOOD BOOK? Telling someone about all those things and more is…BUZZ! Create it by sharing. Won’t our momma’s be proud we learned to share?!