Bonnie Tharp Books
That IS the question, isn’t it? How do we writers who have some novel publishing history get representation? I’m not sure. I still don’t have an agent.
I’ve heard that there are lots of ways to get an agent. Meet with them at conferences. Submit queries based on your completed work. Approach those that represent authors that also write in your genre. Been there. Done all that.
No one actually tells you “how.” I did my homework, I researched more than a hundred agents. I checked to see if they were members of AAR or at least espoused to follow the guidelines. I looked for established agents in my genre of women’s fiction, as well as reviewed and queried new agents who I hoped would be “hungry.” No one was biting. Bummer. There must be something else I need….Luck perhaps?
Being the tenacious writer that I am I decided to go another route. I approached small independent publishing houses that did not require an agent. After querying a handful I found a winner in Five Star Publishing: Expressions for my first novel FEISTY FAMILY VALUES. It came out in February 2010 and I did the marketing/promoting and public relations myself. I got a small advance that I used for that promotion plan.
Next step involved finishing the sequel to feisty entitled PATCHWORK FAMILY, which came out in March 2014 with Belle Bridge Books. YAY! No agent. After publishing FEISTY FAMILY & FRIENDS in 2019 and YOUR EVERY MOVE IN 2017 I still am without representation.
What does all this mean with regard to getting an agent? I’ve approach additional agents at a couple of conferences in the last few years. Did it work? Not yet. Have I answered the question of how to get an agent? Nope. I don’t believe there is just one answer – but I’m willing to keep working toward that goal.
Enjoy the ride my friends. I plan to.