Bonnie Tharp Books
Folks, there really is no such thing as a free lunch. But I have to admit I love discounts, coupons, and sales. If I feel as though I’m getting something extra I am that much happier with my acquisition. I wouldn’t have nearly as many great books in my library if I hadn’t had a coupon or got them at the used bookstore at a great price. How does that apply to writing, you ask? It means giving your reader more than they expect. More twists, surprises, mystery, things that will keep them reading.
Lately, you’ve seen that my posts have been about “time off”, “a writer’s space”, “the dog days of summer”, and “emotions.” All I can say is, it has been a rough year. It’s called life and it’s not always fun. In fact, most days are fairly mundane. BUT, the events of this past eight months should fuel some really good writing – I hope.
I’ve not had as many opportunities to connect with my readers as I would’ve liked. Between illnesses with family and friends, life changes and job stresses, I’ve been lax in my communication to the “feisty” readers out there. For that I am sorry.
There are some good things to impart and I’ll share those now. My second book in the “feisty” series has found a publisher, Bell Bridge Books. It has been slated for publication in March of 2014. (I love the spring.) The working title “Patchwork Family” will no doubt change, as there are similar titles in their catalog. I’ll let you know when the new title is confirmed.
I’ve started a new novel with new characters, this time set in College Hill. The main character is 27-year-old Cara Zluticky who lives in her grand”mudger”‘s house with her Mastiff, Gustofson. She does data entry and medical transcription for a medical associates group and works from her home, so life is quiet and doesn’t venture far from her front porch or the park. When the UPS guy, a hunky blonde with blue eyes, comes to the door she surprises them both with a heart attack. Will she live to see 30? Will she find love only to lose it? What will she do with the time she has left?
Stay tuned…I’ll try my best to communicate more often. I’m off to the hospital in a couple of hours to see my Mom, hopefully she can come home soon.
P.S. Rumor has it that FEISTY FAMILY VALUES is out of print, but I have copies and there is always e-book. Print copies can still be found at Watermark Books, Lucinda's, So, if you would like a copy from me – send me an email. I’ll gladly sign it for you. If you purchase from one of the other booksellers let me know and I’ll send you a signed “bookplate sticker.”