Bonnie Tharp Books
When you get to be my age you think about where you came from, your family history and ancestry. There are a lot of blanks in my family tree and with the grands being gone it’s hard to know where to go for the information.
When I was a little girl I remember my grandmother making quilts and crocheting things most every day. When I left home she gave me a quilt top with quilted animals on a large pink fabric. She’d drawn features on them just like in the color books.
My son used the “animal blanket” when he was a toddler, but when he was four or five he decided “pink is for girls” and didn’t want it on his bed anymore. I packed it away with the hope that I would learn to quilt and be able to put it together for the next little one in our family.
His son is a teenager now and too old for pink animal blankets, but I did just finish my first full-sized quilt and thought I’d pull out the animal blanket for a look. I’d forgotten it was twin-sized, and low and behold my grandmother had used it as a family tree. There at the top were grandmother and grandfather’s names, then their children, marriages and their children, and I am in the middle. One of the spouse’s last names I couldn’t recall was there in all it’s glory. You never know where you’ll find the answers to questions. This discovery still makes me smile. It’s as if my grandmother heard and came through with the answer. Thank you, Grandma. I love and miss you. Have a blessed day.