Bonnie Tharp Books
I don’t profess to be a GREAT writer YET, but I’m getting better at it every day. Back in September I read an interview with Stephen King about the 22 lessons he recommends to be a great writer. THANK YOU STEPHEN KING. The article in the Business Insider stimulated my imagination to the point that I wrote the following (it was kind of like a test of what I retained from the content):
G – Grammar is only for understanding
R – Read as much as possible
E – Endeavor to write every day
A – Avoid adverbs, passive voice and run on sentences
T – Tell stories about people
W – Write for yourself and don’t worry about what others think
R – Retreat from the world when you write
I – Imagination can help you create and describe clearly and vividly
T – Temper your writing with only what is necessary, info dribbles not info dumps
E – Edit, edit, edit “Kill your darlings” is what Stephen said, be balanced not egocentric about your writing
R – Resist twenty-dollar words with a dollar-word will do, don’t be pretentious
King inspires me. He writes so well, having been successful for many years. I aspire to that as well. Wish I had a first reader like his wife, Tabitha King (also an author), but I do okay with my critique group. They are a great bunch of writers with vivid imaginations, huge hearts, and good advice.
Enjoy the journey, fellow scribes!