Bonnie Tharp Books
I can safely say that writers, painters, musicians, artists of all kinds are “dreamers”. We see and hear beauty in the world around us and in our mind’s eye and struggle to recreate it or share what we experience with others. It isn’t always easy.
Sometimes the things our muse shows us are very difficult to express in paint or words or clay. Everything I ever made out of clay could be used as an ashtray or a doorstop. I enjoyed painting for many years, but struggled to create what I was seeing or feeling onto a blank canvas.
While I have written stories since I was a child I really didn’t discover how magically you can create a world through words until I began writing as an adult. Maybe it was because I was older and had more experience. Maybe I am more confident than I was in my teens or twenties. Probably some of both. But I still dream about being a successful author and I like to dream BIG.
But there is another kind of dreaming that I wonder if other artists experience as I do. The dreams you have while you sleep. I sometimes see scenes and hear dialog during my dreams that I later put in my books.
In my college psychology class the instructor said that dreams are random and come from the subconscious. The latter I believe, the former, not so much. Have you ever had a question or problem that you hadn’t solved before laying down to sleep, and when you awoke the next morning you thought of a solution? That isn’t random, but that may very well be your subconscious working it out for us.
Just think of all the wonderful things that have been created by men and women over the ages. Someone had a dream, a vision, an idea and made it reality.
I encourage you to follow your dreams and see where they lead. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to leave your day job or move to some exotic locale, it just means, make time for that creative part of your self to do its thing. You’ll enjoy the journey and who knows, the results may be life changing.