Bonnie Tharp Books
Don’t look back. You’re not going that way. ~Author Unknown
This statement came to mind when I wrote my second novel, PATCHWORK FAMILY, as spoken by a wise grandmother to her granddaughter. Often we dwell on mistakes we’ve made, or life altering events, and forget to enjoy today and dare to dream about tomorrow.
There is so much illness and bad things happening all around, but there are good things, too. Yes, there’s a foot of snow outside, but the sun shining on it looks like a crystal blanket. The moisture will water the trees and the flowers and the grass (uh, we’ll have to mow come spring). I guess my point is that life is a balance of both good and bad.
As we move forward we need to keep our eyes and thoughts on today. And maybe take steps toward furthering my dreams. We should’ve learned what not to do in the past, right? We may have learned some good “what to do’s,” too. Being open to the possibilities is important. If we’re so busy looking back, fretting about what “might have been”, we just might miss out on something wonderful right in front of us.
Are you wondering what on earth is she worrying about? Nothing, really. I do have a test in a few weeks that makes me nervous. I’m really not ready, but I have 3 weeks to study my brains out. And once it’s done and I’ve passed — then I’m off to read a new book of fiction and work on my next novel. At least, that’s the plan. I keep remembering when I was working on my degree and all the hours I put in after work. I was pooped, but it was worth it.
I need this reminder every so often. Especially when I’ve had a bad day at work or I or one of my friends or family members are sick. It’s like I’m stuck in the mud and every time I try to pull my feet out I sink further down in the muck. Today I’m looking at the sun shining and feeling less dreary. Sunshine is nurturing. I need to get outside for awhile and soak up some rays and vitamin D. Then I need to get back to the books. Wisdom and patience are what we need.
Stay warm and be safe out there.