Bonnie Tharp Books
With today’s age of “friending” on the social media sites, I find that many are what I would call casual friends. We visit in 140 characters on Twitter, or share short updates on Facebook, but it’s hard to get close.
I remember when I was young (11-19) I had 2 really close friends. Neva who lived behind us, and Maxine who lived the next block over. We played almost every night (after homework, of course) wrote notes in school, and spent the night at each others houses. We wrote letters when we traveled and talked for hours on the phone. We could share clothes, sodas, double date, and all the intimate details of our lives. Friendships are so important when you’re a kid.
As a newlywed and new mother (20-30’s), I developed a wonderful friendship with Karen, my husband, our son, and our extended families. We watched our cousins and siblings grow up, get married and have families of their own. While I am able to keep in touch with my cousins and their children through social media, I miss the long letters we’ve shared, the family reunions, long phone calls, meals and card games. Everyone is so busy (including me).
As a maturing adult (40’s) I’ve been blessed in my writing career with all the writing and reader friends I’ve made on the journey. I cherish every one of you! We don’t usually share intimate secrets, but we do share stories. I’m grateful for all the support and good times.
My husband, Karen, and Maxine are still my best friends, and I’ve added a few more as an adult who have made my life richer with their presence (I think you know who you are!).