Bonnie Tharp Books
I’m on vacation. With my laptop, of course. I’m sitting in a sunny dining area with sky lights looking at the ever greens and winter trees. There are small wisps of white floating across the blue expanse, but no wind seems to penetrate the trees that surround me. It’s a little bit chilly, but the sunshine warms my skin. The silence in the house is only disrupted by the refrigerator noise and the snoring dogs. I can’t even hear the cars pass on the street out front.
Usually I would’ve had at least one or two conference calls by now and have a page or two of “things” that need to get done at work. Not here. My work notebook is dark, with only a tiny green battery light to show it still lives and it is totally out of reach.
I promised myself I would write. I am writing. I dreamed I had 80 pages done on my new manuscript “Close to You.” There are only 25 pages so far. Maybe by the end of the week there will be 100. Wish me luck.
I’m not used to having time off. Even when I’m off there are chores – laundry or cooking. But there is no time pressure here. Now. It’ll get done when everything I brought is dirty and my stomach tells me it needs food. Interesting, this lack of stress. Feels good. I’ve been up since 4:44 AM. Maybe I’ll nap later. That is a novel concept. Is this what retirement might feel like? Sweet. Will I get bored? Maybe, but it’s an experience I seldom have – so what the heck.
The kids walked my legs off yesterday shopping. It was fun, but my feet are tired. Maybe my son is right and I am getting old. I’m certainly not getting any younger. But, that’s okay. I wouldn’t like being a teen again. Too much drama. Thirties were fun, I could go there if I had the chance, but even then there were stressers beyond today. Look at my kids. Things in their lives move SO fast. Slower is nice.
I finished a book yesterday. Am ready to read another. Care to join me?
Have a good you’all. Enjoy the journey. I hope it takes you someplace quiet and interesting.